Research on Indigenous Education & Methods
2019- Present
Doing research is hard work for anyone, but research in Indigenous contexts comes with extra considerations that are of significant importance for self-determination, justice, equity, power-sharing, design, and measurement. To share information related to research methods and methodology, I have tried to articulate these considerations in some of my written works. I hope they are useful.
Our lab is dedicated to improving Indigenous employment. Often times, education is intertwined with employment opportunity, and, as such, I've found myself on projects seekings to improve Indigenous education. These include projects about STEM (i.e., science, technology, engineering, and math), sustainability, and special education.

Markides, J., Murry, A., & Van Patten, K. (2022, May 3). Building Relationships with Indigenous Youth through Personal Stories [Oral presentation]. UCalgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching, Calgary, AB, Canada.
Murry, A. (2019, October 17). Strength, beauty, and creativity [Oral presentation]. Kindling Conversations Ignite Series, part III, Calgary, AB
Murry, A. (2019, March 13). Defining impact [Oral presentation]. Kindling Conversations Ignite Series, part II, Calgary, AB.
I Ed & Methods Murry, A. (2018, November 28). Decolonizing education [Oral presentation]. Kindling Conversations Ignite Series, part I, Calgary, AB.
Leason, J., Lindstrom, G., Murry, A., & Prud’homme-Cranford, R. (2017, November 24). Decolonizing dissertations: Reflections on decolonizing the PhD: A roundtable. Faculty of Graduate Studies, Calgary, AB.
Murry, A. & Wiley, J. (2017). Barriers and Solutions: Direction for organizations that serve Native American parents with children in special education. Journal of American Indian Education, 56(3), 3-33.
Murry, A., James, K. & Drown, D. (2014). From pictures to numbers: Vision mapping and sustainability collaboration between Native American community member and mainstream scientists. American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 37(4), 1-24.
Murry, A. & Lonebear, D. (in prep). Counting on resistance: A reflexive essay on quantitative methods in Indian country. American Indian Culture and Research Journal.


Book Chapters
Murry, A. (2017). Culturally responsive education: The need and methods for demonstrating effectiveness for evidenced-based practices (pp. 175-202). In Reyner, J., Martin, J., Lockard, L., & Gilbert, W.S. (Eds.), Honoring our Teachers. Flagstaff, AZ: Northern Arizona University.
James, K., Murry, A., & Pacheco, D. (2012). Strong communities: Integrating environmental, economic and social sustainability. In Dillard, J., Brennan, E.M., & Dujon, V. Social sustainability: A multilevel approach to social inclusion. London; Routledge.