This project is a program evaluation of the Center of Climate and Aerosol Research's 10-week paid summer research program for undergraduates at Portland State University. The program is chartered to recruit students from rural localities and/or American Indian heritage. Now in it's 7th year, the program accepts students on an annual basis. Read more about the program here:

Murry, A., Yuan, A., & Atkinson, D. (2019, October 11). Relationships in science: Enhancing benefits to undergraduate researchers [Poster session]. American Indian Science and Engineering Society annual conference, Milwaukee, WI.
REU Murry, A., Yuan, A., & Atkinson, D. (2019, July 3). Relationships in science: Peer impact on research program benefits with undergraduates [Oral presentation]. Western Conference on Science Education, London, ON.
Murry, A. (2017, September 23). Natives and rural Whites in climate science: A 3-year evaluation of a summer research experience for undergraduates. American Indian Science and Engineering Society annual conference, Denver, CO.
Murry, A., Yuan, N., & Atkinson, D. (2022, accepted 2021). Woulda, coulda, shoulda: Advice from exiting participants of an extracurricular undergraduate summer research program to future cohorts. Journal of College Science Teaching.
Murry, A. & Yuan, A. (in prep). Relationships in science: Peer impact on research program benefits with undergraduates. International Journal of STEM education.