Peer-reviewed articles published
Murry, A., Sharma, S., Atay, E., Grier, M., Yuan, A., & Brozny, A. (2024). Indigenous work across the employment cycle: A content analysis of the empirical literature. In D. Stone & K. Lukaszewski, (Eds.), Research in human resource management: Native American and Indigenous persons' work issues. Information Age Publishing. (List of articles included in the analysis can be found here)
Murry, A. & Patka, M. (2024). Critical consciousness is an individual difference: An inspection across three countries. Studies in Social Justice.
Atay, E., Murry, A., Barnabe, C., Sawyer, O., & Bednar, M.A. (2023). Indigenous mentorship for the health sciences: An appraisal of a contemporary model by Indigenous stakeholders. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 1-17
Murry, A., Yuan, N., & Atkinson, D. (2023). Advice to future participants from six cohorts of an undergraduate summer research program in atmospheric science. Journal of College Science Teaching, 53(3), 84-92.
Sawyer, O., Murry, A., Atay, E., Bednar, M.A., & Barnabe, C. (2023). Indigenous stories of mentorship. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education.
Le Huray, L., Murry, A., Mughal, H., & Crowshoe, L. (2023). Readiness to practice in healthcare: An empirical definition. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 54(7): 302-312.
Andrews, J., Murry, A., & Istanffy, P. (2023). A holistic approach to on-reserve school transformation: Pursuing pedagogy, leadership, cultural knowledge, and mental health as paths of change. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 38(1), 64-85.
Patka, M., Murry, A., & Walin-Ruschman, J. (2023). Critical consciousness on campus: The mixed effect of campus sense of community on sociopolitical action. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice.
Atay, E. & Murry, A. (2023). “Not so mainstream”: The need for models of Indigenous mentorship. Papers on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching, 6, 1-8.
Murry, A. (2023). Review of “sharing the land, sharing a future: A national forum for reconciliation.” Great Plains Research, 33(1), 60-61.
Sehgal, A., Scott, S., Murry, A., Henderson, R., Barnabe, C., & Crowshoe, L. L. (2023). Critically examining health complexity experienced by urban Indigenous peoples in Canada by exploring the factors that allow health complexity to persist: a qualitative study of Indigenous patients in Calgary, Alberta. BMJ open, 13(10),
Patka, M., Murry, A, & (accepted November 24, 2022). Emirati student attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education.
Murry, A., Marchand, T., Wang, E., & Voth, D. (2022). The five-factor model of Indigenous studies? A quantitative content analysis of post-secondary Indigenous Studies websites in Canada, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. Journal of American Indian Education, 6(1), 50-84.
Barnabe, C., Montesanti, S., Sarin, C., White, T., Bartel, R., Henderson, R., Kennedy, A., Murry, A., Roach, P., & Crowshoe, L. (2022). Propelled by the pandemic: Responses and shifts in primary healthcare models for Indigenous peoples. Healthcare Policy, 17(4), 48-55.
Murry, A. & James, K. (2021). Reconciliation and Industrial-Organizational Psychology in Canada. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 53(2), 114–124.
Murry, A., Barnabe, C., Foster, S., Taylor, A., Atay, E., Henderson, R., & Crowshoe, L. (2021). Indigenous Mentorship in the Health Sciences: Actions and Approaches of Mentors. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 1-11. DOI: 10.1080/10401334.2021.1912610.
Read it here:
Murry, A., Yuan, N., & Atkinson, D. (2022, accepted 2021). Woulda, coulda, shoulda: Advice from exiting participants of an extracurricular undergraduate summer research program to future cohorts. Journal of College Science Teaching.
Crowshoe, L., Sehgal, A., Montesanti, S., Barnabe, C., Kennedy, A., Murry, A., Roach, P., Green, M., Bablitz, C., Tailfeathers, E., & Henderson, R. (2021). The Indigenous primary health care and policy research network: Guiding innovation within primary health care with Indigenous peoples in Alberta. Health Policy, 125(6), 725-731
Patka, M., Wallin-Ruschman, J., & Murry, A.T. (2018). Exploring sense of community as a predictor of critical consciousness among youth in Ukraine. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 9(1), 1-17.
Wallin-Ruschman, J., Patka, M., & Murry, A.T. (2018). The role of sense of community and individual differences on critical consciousness in Iran. Community Psychology in Global Perspective, 4(1), 42-65.
Murry, A. & Wiley, J. (2017). Barriers and Solutions: Direction for organizations that serve Native American parents with children in special education. Journal of American Indian Education, 56(3), 3-33.
Patka, M. & Murry, A. (2016) Body mass index among Special Olympics athletes from Muslim majority countries: Differences in gender and adult status. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 60, 335-343.
Murry, A., James, K. & Drown, D. (2014). From pictures to numbers: Vision mapping and sustainability collaboration between Native American community member and mainstream scientists. American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 37(4), 1-24.
Peer-reviewed articles under review
Murry, A., Sharma, S., Marchand, T., Roach, P., Montesanti, S., & Crowshoe, L. (under review). Ready to practice Indigenous health research? An integrative framework of Indigenous health research competencies for NEIHR network evaluation, training, and selection. International Journal of Indigenous Health.
*Marchand, T., Murry, A., *Proulx, D., Hayden, K.A., & Crowshoe, L. (under review). Reimagining Indigenous healthcare through a readiness to practice lens: A quantitative content analysis. Canadian Medical Association Journal.
Zaifar, S., Murry, A., & Pewewardy, P. (submitted). Indigenous experiences with ethnic fraud, campus services, and discrimination in university: The protective role of comfortable on-campus interactions. Eureka
Peer-review articles in preparation
Grier, M. & Murry, A. (3rd review). Is Indigenous work research working? Evaluating participatory methods in empirical employment studies with Indigenous Peoples. Action Research
Khoory, A.M., Patka, M. & Murry, A. (in prep). Attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help: An exploration among UAE residents. Culture & Psychology.
Murry, A., Buliga, E., Kang, H., Harbourne, M., & Sharma, S. (in prep). So you think you’re an ally? A mixed-method study on non-Indigenous identification as an ally and Indigenous students’ expectations of an ally. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Murry, A. & Li, Q. (in prep). Indigenous cultural integration in mental health programs: A quantitative content analysis of the literature. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Murry, A. & Lonebear, D. (in prep). Counting on resistance: A reflexive essay on quantitative methods in Indian country. American Indian Culture and Research Journal.
Murry, A. & Yuan, A. (in prep). Relationships in science: Peer impact on research program benefits with undergraduates. International Journal of STEM education
Rice, A. L., Loikith, P. C., Yuan, A. N., & Murry, A. (2022, December). Impacts of a Geoscience Research Experience for Undergraduates Program on Broadening Participation in Scientific Research and Increasing Retention in STEM. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2022, pp. ED53B-07).
Murry, A., Buliga, E., & Harbourne, M. (2022, October 7th). So you want to be an ally? An exploration of non-Indigenous claims of allyship and an Indigenous definition of what it means to be an ally. American Indian Science and Engineering Society’s annual conference, Palm Springs, CA.
Marchand, T. M. & Murry, A. (2022, June 15). “Be with us”: Indigenous readiness to practice systematic review [Oral presentation]. University of Saskatchewan. National Gathering of Graduate Students.
Atay, E. & Murry, A. (2022, June 28). Indigenous mentorship approaches and outcomes on Indigenous mentees [Oral presentation]. Society of Indian Psychologists, Utah State University.
Atay, A., Bednar, M.A., Murry, A., & Sawyer, O. (2022, May 3). Revisions and recommendations for an Indigenous mentorship model [Oral presentation]. UCalgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching, Calgary, AB, Canada.
Atay, E. J., Sawyer, O., Bednar, M. A., & Murry, A. T. (2022, June 18). Psychosocial behaviours are important: The verification of an Indigenous mentorship model [5-minute oral presentation]. 83rd Canadian Psychological Association Annual National Convention, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Markides, J., Murry, A., & Van Patten, K. (2022, May 3). Building Relationships with Indigenous Youth through Personal Stories [Oral presentation]. UCalgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching, Calgary, AB, Canada.
Buliga, E., Harbourne, M., & Murry, A. (2021, August 27). Non-Indigenous allyship: Findings from a Q-Methodological study with undergraduate students [Oral presentation]. Society for Community Research and Action, virtual conference.
Murry, A. (2021, March 31). Going where the need is, part 2: More applied psychological research with Indigenous organizations [Oral presentation]. University of Calgary, Psychology Department Talk series. Calgary, AB, Canada.
Sawyer, O., Atay, E. J., Bednar, M. A., & Murry, A. T. (2021, June 23). Indigenous Stories of Mentorship [Poster presentation]. Canadian International Conference on Education – Virtual Conference, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
Marchand, T., Wang, E., & Murry, A. (2020, October 16). The investigation of best practices in the Indigenous studies discipline [Poster session]. American Indian Science and Engineering Society annual conference, virtual.
Kwantes, C.T., Murry, A., Adair, W., Hewitt, J., Latta, T. (2020, June 16). Bringing Indigenous voices to industrial-organizational psychology [Panel discussion]. Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology’s annual conference, virtual.
Li, Q.K.W. & Murry, A. (2020, March 6). Mental health programs for Indigenous clients: An analysis of cultural integration [Poster session]. Sebastian K. Littmann Psychiatry Research Symposium, Calgary, AB, Canada.
Li, Q.K.W. & Murry, A. (2019, November 26). The extent and impact of cultural integration in Indigenous mental health programs [Poster session]. Undergraduate Research Symposium, Calgary, AB, Canada.
Murry, A. (2019, October 17). Strength, beauty, and creativity [Oral presentation]. Kindling Conversations Ignite Series, part III, Calgary, AB.
Murry, A., Yuan, A., & Atkinson, D. (2019, October 11). Relationships in science: Enhancing benefits to undergraduate researchers [Poster session]. American Indian Science and Engineering Society annual conference, Milwaukee, WI.
Murry, A., Yuan, A., & Atkinson, D. (2019, July 3). Relationships in science: Peer impact on research program benefits with undergraduates [Oral presentation]. Western Conference on Science Education, London, ON.
Murry, A. & Crowshoe, L. (2019, June 26). Indigenous mentorship: A behavioral evaluation model of college mentors in health science [Poster session]. National Congress of American Indians Mid-year Conference, Reno, NV.
Louie, D., Andrews, J., Murry, A., Istvanffy, P., MacGregor, M., & Oldham, M. (2019, June 4). A holistic approach to on-reserve school transformation: Pursuing pedagogy, leadership, cultural knowledge, and mental health as paths of change [Oral presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Vancouver, BC.
Murry, A. (2019, March 13). Defining impact [Oral presentation]. Kindling Conversations Ignite Series, part II, Calgary, AB.
Murry, A. (2018, November 28). Decolonizing education [Oral presentation]. Kindling Conversations Ignite Series, part I, Calgary, AB.
Leason, J., Lindstrom, G., Murry, A., & Prud’homme-Cranford, R. (2017, November 24). Decolonizing dissertations: Reflections on decolonizing the PhD: A roundtable. Faculty of Graduate Studies, Calgary, AB.
Murry, A. (2017, September 23). Natives and rural Whites in climate science: A 3-year evaluation of a summer research experience for undergraduates. American Indian Science and Engineering Society annual conference, Denver, CO.
Murry, A. (2017). Culturally responsive education: The need and methods for demonstrating effectiveness for evidenced-based practices (pp. 175-202). In Reyner, J., Martin, J., Lockard, L., & Gilbert, W.S. (Eds.), Honoring our Teachers. Flagstaff, AZ: Northern Arizona University.
Taylor, A., James, K., & Murry, A. (2012) Leveraging workforce diversity using a multidimensional approach (pages 203-224). In Scott, C. L. & Byrd, M. Y. (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Workforce Diversity in a Global Society: Technologies and Concepts. DOI:10.4018/978-1-4666-1812-1
James, K., Murry, A., & Pacheco, D. (2012). Strong communities: Integrating environmental, economic and social sustainability. In Dillard, J., Brennan, E.M., & Dujon, V. Social sustainability: A multilevel approach to social inclusion. London; Routledge.