Our paper on Indigenous mentorship in health sciences wins the Teaching and Learning in Medicine Editors’ Choice Award 2023
Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars have called for mentorship as a viable approach to supporting the retention and professional development of Indigenous students in the health sciences. In the context of Canadian reconciliation efforts with Indigenous Peoples, we developed an Indigenous mentorship model that details behavioral themes that are distinct or unique from non-Indigenous mentorship.
We identified behavioral themes for 1) basic mentoring interactions, 2) psychosocial support, 3) professional support, 4) academic support, and 5) job-specific support. Unique behavioral themes for Indigenous mentors included 1) utilizing a mentee-centered approach, 2) advocating on behalf of their mentees and encouraging them to advocate for themselves, 3) imbuing criticality, 4) teaching relationalism, 5) following traditional cultural protocols, and 6) fostering Indigenous identity.

Lena Le Huray receives the Undergraduate Research Award and Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Excellence for Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis 2023

Lena Le Huray's work on identifying what constitutes Readiness to practice in healthcare was recognized, and she received the Undergraduate Research Award 2023 and the Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Excellence for Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis 2023.
This work was also published recently. Read the article here: ​
The annual Advancing Indigenous People In STEM (AISES) Conference 2022
Dr. Adam T. Murry presented the findings from our Allyship project at the conference held in Palm Springs, California on Oct ' 2022. Here's a shoutout from one of the participants

Podcast: We can answer that
We can answer that is a podcast run at U of C with professors, researchers and experts
In this episode, Dr. Adam T. Murry talks about the Allyship project and how better understanding allyship can help both the groups who need it most and the people who want to be allies.
Podcast: Native Calgarian
Native Calgarian is a podcast run by Red Thunderwoman. She is a Sahtu Dene, a mother, wife, activist and political organizer. She was the first First Nations woman to run for Calgary City Council. Dr. Lynden Crowshoe, Dr. Adam Murry, Bridget White, Louis Crowshoe, and their guests met with Red Thunderwoman to share their experiences throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and explore the activities and hobbies that helped them “keep it together”.