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About the AIM-HI project 

2018- Present

Mentorship is a traditional form of education in Indigenous societies, so it is no surprise that Indigenous faculty, students, and their families advocate for mentorship in academia. In the health sciences, mentorship has the potential to improve Indigenous representation (i.e., more Indigenous doctors, nurses, and health workers), increase trust between doctor and care-giver, better integrated cultural competence in health care, improve health outcomes for Indigenous clients, and provide stable employment for Indigenous health workers. The term mentorship however does not have a universal definition. Mentorship among Indigenous people is thought of and practiced differently than it is in Western culture. We have developed a model of Indigenous mentorship within the health sciences and are working to validate it.

See more about the AIM-HI network ( or the larger IMNP (

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  • ​Atay, E. & Murry, A. (2022, June 28). Indigenous mentorship approaches and outcomes on Indigenous mentees [Oral presentation]. Society of Indian Psychologists, Utah State University.

  • Atay, E. J., Sawyer, O., Bednar, M. A., & Murry, A. T. (2022, June 18). Psychosocial Behaviours are Important: The Verification of an Indigenous Mentorship Model. [5-minute oral presentation]. 83rd Canadian Psychological Association Annual National Convention, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 

  • Atay, A., Bednar, M.A., Murry, A., & Sawyer, O. (2022, May 3). Revisions and recommendations for an Indigenous mentorship model [Oral presentation]. UCalgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching, Calgary, AB, Canada.

  • Sawyer, O., Atay, E. J., Bednar, M. A., & Murry, A. T. (2021, June 23). Indigenous Stories of Mentorship. [poster presentation]. Canadian International Conference on Education – Virtual Conference, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. 

  • Atay, E. & Murry, A. (accepted Nov 12, 2022). “Not so mainstream”: The Need for Models of Indigenous Mentorship. Papers on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching.

  • Murry, A., Barnabe, C., Foster, S., Taylor, A., Atay, E., Henderson, R., & Crowshoe, L. (2021). Indigenous Mentorship in the Health Sciences: Actions and Approaches of Mentors. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 1-11

  • Atay, E. & Murry, A. (under review). Indigenous mentorship: Students’ perceived impacts and critiques of a behavioral model in healthcare. Teaching and Learning in Medicine.​

  • Sawyer, O., Murry, A., Atay, E., Bednar, M.A., & Barnabe, C. (under review). Indigenous stories of mentorship. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education.



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